GETEF is a Recognized Research Group of the Universidad de Valladolid (UVa) created in 1994 and whose hallmarks are the following:

We are a group of specialists in the thermodynamic research of equilibria between fluid and condensed phases, who have worked mainly in the study of binary and multicomponent mixtures and alloys, within a General Line of work that could be summarized by saying that we work in the "Thermodynamic Study of the Equilibria between Phases that appear in Mixtures of Gases, Liquids and Solids", and that is specified in several Research lines.

Our research field is multidisciplinary and covers many different facets. From the experimental point of view, we have worldwide recognized experience in the use of a large number of different experimental techniques: High and low temperature thermometry, Calibration with respect to absolute reference standards, Pressure measurement and obtaining vacuum, Static and dynamic calorimetry of all types, Volumetric properties of substances. In summary: Experimental techniques for determining thermophysical properties of all types of materials.

From the theoretical point of view, we have knowledge of Thermodynamics and Molecular Physics -we are professors of Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics at UVa-, which allows us to elaborate microscopic models of the behavior of all kinds of complex systems. In short, we are experts in Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics of pure substances, mixtures and alloys, as well as in Maximum Entropy Methods (MaxEnt) used in the study of complex systems.